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Battle Order, Allied ................... 222
Billeting Methods (146 S. O. S. Command, Sept. 13, 1918)............................... 212
Bursting of Guns by Instantaneous Fuzes (IVth Army, Aug. 26, 1918)..................... 223

Camouflage Regulations (XXIIIth Corps, May 23 1918)..................................... 229
Carrier Pigeons for Regulating Fire (Chief of Liaison Service, July 18, 1918)........... 203
Cartridges with Heavy Bullets for Indirect Machine-Gun Fire (Ministry of War, July 20, 1918)...................................... 185
Civil Population, Control of, (Army Group <>, June 25, 1918)............................. 236
Combat Tactics (7th Res. Div., Sept. 20, 1918)...................................... 214
Counterfeit Bank Notes (Army Group <>, Aug. 6, 1918)................................... 236

Defensive Battle, Principles of Command In (G. H. Q., Sept. 29, 1918)..................... 237
Defensive Organization (VIIth Army, Aug. 29, 1918)...................................... 207
Defensive Tactics (172 Bde., Sept. 21, 1918)...................................... 209
Defensive Tactics (1st Res. Div., Oct. 12, 1918)....................................... 215
Defensive Tactics (231st Div., Sept 19, 1918)....................................... 212
Discipline in German Army (51st Inf. Regt., Sept. 21,1918.............................. 191
Discipline in German Army (War Ministry, July 22, 1918).................................. 231
Distribution of Forces in Line (XVIIIth Army, Sept. 16, 1918....................................... 200

Economic Affairs, Organization of, in Combres Group,(Combres Group, April 20 ,1918)...... 247  
Economy, War............................... 248
Enemy Intelligence (1st Army, March 7, 1918)...................................... 193
Enemy Intelligence (XIth Corps, April 5, 1918)...................................... 193

Finder and Salvage Rewards (XVIIth Army, August 6, 1918)................................... 249 
Fog, Instructions in Case of (1st A.H. Div., Sept. 9, 1918)...................................... 226
Forest, Exploitation of (War Ministry, Nov. 28, 1917)...................................... 228

Gasing of Dugouts..................................... 208
General Instructions to German Troops (IIId Army, Sept. 23, 1918)....................... 199
Geologic Section of Vth Army (Oct. 1, 1917)....................................... 188
Grippe in German Army (31st Inf. Regt., Nov. 1, 1918)....................................... 228

Importance of Holding Present Line (119th Division, September 16, 1918).............. 183
Infantry and Artillery Cooperation (221st Div., Sept. 17, 1918)............................ 210
Infantry Company Reorganization (G. H. Q., Sept. 20, 1918)................................... 209 
Infantry Defensive Tactics (Wichura Corps, Sept. 30, 1918).................................. 234
Infantry Instructions (1st Res Div., Oct. 21, 1918)...................................... 221

Last Days of German Army (diary 3d Gd. Artillery)................................. 239
Lawlessness in German Army (1st Army, Aug. 5, 1918)...................................... 229
Liaison in Defensive Warfare (244th Inf. Bde., Oct. 21, 1918)............................. 221
Liaison of Infantry and Artillery (Boehn Group, Sept. 27, 1918)............................ 228
Liquid Air as an Explosive (Army Detach. C, July 30, 1918).................................. 187
Lubricants, Shortage of (Meuse Group East, Oct. 13, 1918).................................. 218

Machine-Guns, Jamming of, (Aug. 22, 1918)....................................... 192
Machine-Gun Tactics (6th Gren. Regt., Sept. 7, 1918)...................................... 198
Machine-Gun Tactics (Perthes Group, Aug. 8, 1918)....................................... 235
Merger of Light Machine-Gun Group into Infantry (G. H. Q., Sept. 20, 1918).................. 197
Messenger Dogs (11th Div., March 12, 1918)....................................... 208
Methods of Holding a Position (XVIIth Army, Sept. 2, 1918)....................................... 203
Morale and Gas Discipline (1st Res. Div., Sept. 11, 1918)................................... 185
Morale Instruction (Army Group <>, June 9, 1918)....................................... 246

No Man's Land, British Superiority in (XVIIth Army, Aug. 2, 1918)......................... 188

Observation Service (25th Res. Div., Sept. 11, 1918)...201
Offensive Plans in Picardy (225th Divisional Artillery, May 30, 1918)...227
Operations Section of German General Staff (G.H.Q., Nov. 11, 1917)...250
Orientation in a Sector with Restricted Views...184

Patriotic Instruction and Peace Question (237th Div., Oct. 20, 1918)...228
Patriotic Instruction (XVIIIth Army, Oct. 13, 1918)...216
Peace Negotiations, Effect on German Troops (119th Div., Sept. 16, 2918)...192
Peace Proposals, Influence on German Troops (G.H.Q., Oct 13, 1918)...209
Pillaging of Churches (IIId Army, May 5, 1918)...214
Projector Attacks...183 
Projector Bombardment of Ablainzeville...183
Propaganda Spread by Radio (Vth Army, Oct. 17, 1918)...226
Protection of Ammunition...216
Poster, German...245

Railway Tickets, New German (War Ministry, Oct. 24, 1918)...240
Reconnaissance Detachments (21st Div., June 27, 1918)...192
Reliefs and Reserves (G.H.Q., Aug. 8, 1918)...205
Reserves to Secure Mainline of Resistance (Meuse Group West, Sept. 2, 1918)...190
Requisitioning of Brass Sword Hilts (Ministry of War, Oct. 5, 1918)...214

Sabotage by Prisoners...213
Saint Mihiel Salient, Report on Battle in, (12th Res. Corps, Sept., 1918)...250
Salvaging of Metal from Street Lamps (Army Group "C", Aug. 19, 1918)...244
Secrecy of Communications (221st Div., Sept. 21, 1918)...198
Secrecy (44th Res. Div., Aug., 1918)...208
Secret Documents, Precautions with (Marneschutz Corps, June 23, 1918)...185
Shortage of Horses (Army Detach. C, April 26, 1918)...185
Shortage of Horses (Second Army, July 17, 1918)...185
Signal Service Reorganization 235th Div., July 19, 1918)...213
Signal Detachments, Disbanding of, (2d Army, July 30, 1918)...202
Spies Dropped from Aircraft (221st Div., Sept. 20, 1918)...187
Suppression of Barrage Fire (221st Div., Sept. 15, 1918)...190



Transcription Notes:
made minor edits and finished transcription items are left justified, page numbers are right justified.