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[[underline]] Linton  [[/underline]]  

Malvastrum coccineum, abun. & blossoming
Plantago purshi, "[[ditto for abun.]]
Linum rigidum ? Comm. spec.
Solidgo regida "[[ditto for Com.]]
Phlox douglasi "[[ditto for Com.]] on dry hilltops,
Cactus, Mammilaria viviparia? Com. in full flower
Opuntia missouriensis, One large patch on S. slope
"[[ditto for Opuntia]] fragilis. Common on barren places.
Polygale alba? "[[ditto for Common]]

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[[start page]]

Crops show the approach to Sonoran zone but considerable advance over those of the state north & east. Corn is a foot high against 4 inches at Fargo & the grain, flax potatoes are correspondingly advanced. Several patches of early potatoes were in blossom, while farther east & north they are not half as large or advanced. Garden vegetables are correspondingly ahead.

This is excellent farming country, largely cultivated & the town is growing rapidly. Very little fruit or trees have been started.

After leaving town not a tree or bush was seen all day until on the lake border near Napoleon we found a row of old cottonwoods, apparently native. We came up steadily for about half the day & then gained the prairie level, & continued over rolling, glaciated prairie with boulders & sloughs & good farms. The settlers are largely Russians.

Transcription Notes:
Solidgo regida probably Solidgo rigida Polygale alba probaby Polygala alba