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[[underlined]] Lepus [[inserted]] townsendi [[/inserted]] campantius [[/underlined]]
Shot an old [[female symbol]] Lepus campestris, nursing yg. Weighed 7 1/4 lbs. Seemed unusually large & weight estimated at 12 lbs.

[[underlined]] Taxidea taxus [[/underlined]], Dog found [[female symbol]] badger in burrow 6 min. S. of Medina. Nursing young but nearly dry.  Mammae 2 2/2, A. 2/2, specimen saved and entered in Eastgates catalogue.

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A few miles N.E. of the lake are [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] two fine big tule sloughs that offer ideal breeding grounds for water birds, but the mosquitoes would kill anyone who attempted to go near one of these sloughs. Out on the prairie they are fearful unless a strong wind is blowing, but near a marsh they are unendurable

Found the first ruddy ducks & [[strikethrough]] bon [[strikethrough]] eared grebes of the trip in the ^[[Chicago]] lake at camp.