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Emory Building is Crowded For Mitchell Trial
Throngs at Mitchell Trial. The opening skirmish in the Mitchell court-martial fight yesterday drew a crowd of interested Washingtonians to the old Emory Building, where the trial is being staged.
- International Newsreel.

Washington Times
The National Daily
Washington, Saturday, October 31, 1925
Trial is Unfair, Col. Mitchell Holds
Mitchell Says He is Being Unjustly Tried by His Accusers
Army Rule Vioated, Counsel Claims

Reid Asserts Coolidge was Wrongfully Led into Making Complaint
By William K. Hutchinson
While Colonel WIlliam Mitchell stood with his back to a figurative wall today, his counsel used the week-end recess in America's greatest military trial to erect a new line of defense.
Led by Congressman Frank R. Reid (Rep.) of Illinois, Mitchell's attorneys were working on a program intended not to save Mitchell from an inescapable conviction on charges of "conduct prejudicial to military discipline," but to prove to the country that his court-martial was instigated by the War Department with a total disregard for the army's own rules of procedure. As even Mitchell himself does not expect an acquittal from the "jury of generals," he would look upon a success in this effort as a complete vindication of his case.