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Transcription: [00:17:00]
{SPEAKER name="Don Pettingill"}
I couldn't hear a bit better. [[laughter]] But I know today that I helped that church raise about a hundred thousand dollars right now. [[laughter]]
So, all kinds of things happen to deaf children growing up. And when you have a morbid sense of humor, there's no hope.

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Thank you. Of course, you were probably luckier than some people, Don, with hearing parents. Sounds as if your parents and your family were more understanding than some kinds of hearing parents.

Barbara Kannapell, our participant here on this side, is a founder of a very unusual organization which has done a lot of good work with parents of deaf children.
I wonder if you might tell us a little bit about your work and about what you've discovered about the attitudes of deaf, of hearing parents of deaf children.

{SPEAKER name="Barbara Kannapell/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
Deaf Pride Organization which was founded by three people, uh the three women; myself, who is a deaf person, a hearing person, and a mother of a deaf son, the three of us realized that we needed to establish an organization,
cause there was many organizations out there like an organization for parents, an organization for deaf people, an organization for professional workers with the deaf and so forth, but we needed, none of it, none of it all came together and we wanted to establish a group called Deaf Pride.
So through that Deaf Pride we've learned a lot about working with families. I realized that growing up and socializing with deaf people all my life, I never really experienced socializing with hearing people.
Very little, very little. Until I met this hearing person who introduced me to the mother of a deaf son, I began

Transcription Notes:
Jan DeLap is the moderator. Barbara is speaking thru a male interpreter