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white wines, e) blank; said of a space unmarked by printing, writing, etc., f) of a light-gray color and lustrous appearance; unburnished; said of silver and other metal, g) made of silver, h) snowy; as of White Friars...  4. Morally or spiritually pure; spotless; innocent...  5. Free from evil intent; harmless; as auspicious; said of times and seasons...  7-a) having a light-colored skin; caucasian, b) of or controlled by the white race; as white supremacy, c) (nations of racial superiority). (slang), honest, fair dependable...  8. being at white heat...  9. Reactionary, counter-revolutionary, or royalist, as opposed to red radical or revolutionary..."

Black people start off with two strikes of cultural bias against them.  A non-being, a negative identity is a nobody.  Small wonder, then, the poor learning habits of so many of our black urban youth!  Small wonder also the crimes of self-destruction and the social and civic expressions of self-hate!

Small wonder also that black people are, by many signs, this nation's basic hope for sanity, decency and fulfillment!

By addressing ourselves to specific problems which appear as urgent in the life of black Americans we develop saving answers which redound to the benefit of all.  Is not the problem of identity, after all, the most pervasive problem in our personal, family, community and total corporate and national life?

Our jails, mental and general hospitals and our automobile accident and divorce and delinquency lists, are filled with people who have difficulties with the matter of identity.  People who know who and what they are, and who have a clear vision of what they are destined to be, are daily more rare in a world where people are gripped by a sense of being "lost," "alone," "afraid."

So-called riots are expressive of self hate. They are black suicide before white men's bullets. They represent the crazed consequence of being a nobody boxed in on a dead-end street.

Both a philosopher named Aristotle and a prophet named Paul, said that life is what it is destined to become.

The Recommendations

These were the principal recommendations in the report last week of the President's National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders:

• Creation of two million new jobs over the next three years – 550,000 within the first year –
half in the public and half in the private sector.

• On-the-job training by both public and private employers, "with reimbursement to private employers for the extra costs of training the hard-core unemployed."

• "Sharply increased efforts to eliminate de facto segregation in our schools through substantial Federal aid."

• "Efforts to improve dramatically schools serving disadvantaged children through substantial Federal funding for year-round compensatory education programs."

-Establishment of uniform  national welfare standards "at least as high as the annual 'poverty level' " with the Government assuming "at least 90 per cent of total payments."

• Income supplements "for those who can work or who do work" so that incentives will be present for fuller employment.

• Enactment of an "enforceable Federal open housing law to cover the sale or rental of all housing."

• Steps to give low and moderate income families "within the next five years, six million new and existing units of decent housing, beginning with 600,000 units in the next year."

[[image - photograph of a group of men]]
[[caption]] John Lindsay, commission vice-chairman;  I. W. Abel, United Steelworkers president.  Standing:  Charles Thornton, president of Litton Industries;  Rep. James Corman of California;  Rep. William McCulloch of Ohio;  Sen. Fred Harris of Oklahoma;  Vice President Humphrey;  Kentucky Commerce Commissioner Katherine Peden;  Atlanta Police Chief Herbert Jenkins;  Senator Edward Brooke of Massachusetts;  Cyrus Vance, the President's special agent in Detroit during recent riots;  Attorney General Ramsey Clark. [[/caption]]

Transcription Notes:
Photograph and caption are a continuation from previous page.