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Senator ROBERT

[[image - black & white photograph of Senator Kennedy with group of people]]
[[caption]] Kennedy as Attorney General meets with NAACP members and Medgar Evers' 10 year old son.  Kennedy was instrumental in putting the full force of the Federal Government behind civil rights. [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of Senator Kennedy with group of people]]
[[caption]] Kennedy in Watts with California State Senator Mervyn M. Dymally (left) and athlete Raefer Johnson (rear).  Speaking recently about urgan riots Kennedy said, "Our [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of Senator Kennedy with group of people in the street]]
[[caption]] Kennedy speaking from the steps of a New York City tenement.  Concerning housing the Senator has siad, "I would increase substantially the rent supplement and model cities program which provide direct government assistance to up grade slum housing." [[/caption]]