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Sheraton Hotel  Louisville, Kentucky
July 22-25, 1968


Sunday, July 21, 1968
Pre-Convention Board Meeting
Side trips to historic sites in the city of Louisville

Monday, July 22, 1968
Exhibits and Agency Section
Business Meetings
Opening Address by President George S. Harris
Business Meetings
Sight Seeing Tour of Louisville
Riverboat trip via "The Louisville Belle"

Tuesday, July 23, 1968
General Sessions
Award Luncheon - Lee Frazier, V. P. N.I.A.
Director of Agencies in charge
Business Sessions
Agency and Home Office

Wednesday, July 24, 1968
Business Sessions
Agencies and Home Office
Ladies Brunch
Sales Qualification Luncheon
General Sessions
Speakers: Norman Houston
John H. Johnson
Walter Washington, Mayor of the City Of Washington, D.C.

Thursday, July 25, 1968
General Sessoins
William Clement, Speaker
Installation Of Officers
Board Meeting

[[image - b/w headshot photo]]
[[caption]] GEORGE S. HARRIS 
President [[/caption]]

[[image - b/w headshot photo]]
[[caption]] H. H. SOUTHALL
Chairman of the Board [[/caption]]

[[image - b/w headshot photo]]
[[caption]] WARDELL C. CROFT 1st Vice President [[/caption]]

[[image - b/w headshot photo]]
[[caption]] J. A. BLAINE DEJOIE, JR.  Secretary [[/caption]]