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Group to command all Army Ground Forces in the Kerama Retto and assigned the 870th AAA AW Battalion to relieve the Infantry.

This battalion prior to the war was a part of the Harlem National Guard Regiment. The battalion was equipped by Iscom Okinawa with Infantry weapons, mortars, bazookas, flame throwers, etc. In addition, one officer and twenty four enlisted men from the 27th Division were furnished as instructors in Infantry Tactics and in technique in employment of Infantry weapons.

The Battalion landed in Kerama Retton on 22 May 1944. Headquarters Battery, Battery C, and D landed at Zemami, while Batteries A and B went directly to Tokashiki. 
With relief on 23 May 1944 of the Infantry Battalion, Lt. Colonel W. F. Lucas, Commanding Officer, 870th AAA AW Battalion, assumed responsibility for ground defense of all installations in Kerama Retto and began patrolling the island perimeter in order to destroy Jap suicide boats and caches of ammunition, food and other supplies.
When the 870th Battalion relieved the Infantry on Tokashiki they moved into the position in the lowlands of Tokashiki village held by the Infantry. The village was empty, the natives having been taken to the hills by the Japs as slaves. Fortified Japanese positions on the hills surrounding the village dominated the area, making it impossible to move more than 300 yards from the town without meeting organized Japanese resistance. At night fire from Jap machine guns, sniper and knee mortar fire fell within the town.
With the arrival in Tokashiki of over two thousand civilians from Ie Shima with Military Government personnel, the situation became acute. At 0800 on June 24 a coordinated, well-planned and effective attack was made to capture the fortified hill north of the village, to extend the perimeter and strengthen the defensive position. The attack was supported by the Navy gun boat fire and Field Artillery concentration by the 505th AAA Gun Battalion. Light machine guns and sniper fire from pillboxes and caves offered strong resistance.
The progress was slowed by flanking fire from concealed machine guns. However, aided by accurate mortar fire, the assault troops took the hill, captured the main fortified position and completed the organization of the position by early evening. The pill boxes were knocked out by flame throwers. Machine gun and mortar positions and an ammunition dump were destroyed. Our looses were one officer and two enlisted men killed, and nine men wounded. Captured enemy material included a light machine gun, grenades and small arms. Jap casualties were twenty killed and ten wounded. 
To date in the Kerama Retto, the 870th AAA AW Battalion has killed sixty-two Japs, one Korean, captured ninety-one Japs, eighty-nine Koreans and three hundred fifty civilians. As a result of this action, one officer was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal (posthumously) and several officers and enlisted men received the Bronze Star."
The original complement from the 469th Regiment returned to the United States as Casuals, and were discharged during the latter part of 1945 and the early part of 1946. 
Following the termination of World War II, many of the officers and enlisted men remained on active duty, rising steadily in the ranks until their retirement. 
On February 1, 1968 the 369th Artillery Battalion was reorganized and redesignated the 569th Transportation Battalion. Currently the 369th Regiment Armory, located at 142nd and 5th Avenue, in New York City, houses the 569th Transportation Battalion, New York Army National Guard and the 12th Internal Security Battalion, New York Guard. 

National Officers
William K. DeFossett
1st Vice President
James E. Holt, Jr.
2nd Vice President
Myrtle Ann Rhoden
Recording Secretary
Ruth B. Dunham
Ass't Recording Secretary
Harriett E. Minor
Corresponding Secretary
John H. Crump
Ass't Corresponding Sec'y
Percy G. Buckley
Ira F. Aldridge, Jr.
Financial Secretary
Thomas A. Carey
Rabbi Irving Baumol
Father Francis M. Newman
Rev. William S. Van Meter
Edward E. Boyd

Board of Directors
Ovin A. Shannon
Robert V. King, Jr.
Clarence P. Reid
Joseph Radcliffe
Harold Bryant
Andrew J. Evans
Charles E. Clark

Committee Chairmen
Adult Activities
Dr. Floyd C. Mourning
Joseph W. North, Ass't
William L. Leach
Gertrude Smith
Committee of Chaplains
Rabbi Irving Baumol
Civic Affairs
George Donald Covington
James W. Randolph, Ass't
Constitution and By-Laws
Hon. Percy E. Sutton
Clifford M. Johnson
Annie L. Chaney
Paul B. Zuber
Walter P. Williams
Theodore C. Jackson
Hon. J. Robert Rhone
Milton M. Rosenberg
Hon. George H. Fowler
Mary M. Hammond
Hon. Joseph A. Cox
Thomas Kendrick
Fraser P. Forde
Hon. Robert J. Mangum
Alonzo D. Mitchell
Hon. Frederick C. Rieber
Donald H. Eaton, Jr.
Veterans' Affairs
Frank E. Wallace
George W. Bayley
Youth Activities
Frank Merriweather
Ira Jagerman, Asst.

[[image - logo 369 Veterans Assn Inc]]


2:00 P.M. - Registration
5:00 P.M. - Hospitality Party
7:00 P.M. - Dinner - Informal
8:30 P.M. - Committee Meetings
10:00 P.M. - Dance - "Evening of Frolic" - Informal
11:30 P.M. - Show Time
12:30 A.M. - Dance Continued
2:00 A.M. - Snack Time - Dining Room
2:00 A.M. - Early Morning Swim

7:30 A.M. - Golfers Breakfast
8:00 A.M. - Regular Breakfast
10:30 A.M. - Continental Breakfast
12:00 Noon - Lunch
1:30 P.M. - Membership Business Meeting
3:00 P.M. - Open Meeting - Guest Speaker
6:00 P.M. - Reception & Cocktail Party for Guest Jacket) Speakers - Semi-Formal (Tux or Dinner
7:30 P.M. - Banquet - Guest Speaker
10:00 P.M. - Ball - Semi-Formal (Tux or Dinner Jacket)
Midnight - Show - Star Time
1:00 A.M. - Ball Continued

7:30 A.M. - Golfers Breakfast
8:00 A.M. - Regular Breakfast
10:30 A.M. - Continental Breakfast
11:00 A.M. - Church Service
1:00 P.M. - Lunch and Then Departure 3:00 P.M.