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Arrival in D.C.

We arrived at five o'clock on July 31, 1907 ^[[at the Southern Railroad Station It was at 6th & C street where the National Gallery of Art now stands]] in the great capitol of the nation Washington D.C. A beautiful bright sunshine afternoon, it was warm but not as I remember one of the hot, sweaty summer days, which D.C. now encounters in 1985. Of course then there were only street cars, horse & carriages were still in vogue. The horseless carriages were just beginning to raise their heads. So, therefore, there was little polution as of to-day. 

We took the street car at six and Pennsylvania Ave, and rose to 14th and Church, where we disembarked and walked one block south to 15th Street [[strikethrough]] where [[/strikethrough]] to the address, 1530 - 15th Street where the last member of the Thomas family now resides.

The streets of the city then were beautiful & clean, all lined with trees, the yards had beautiful green lawns ^[[& flowers]] , there were park benches seemingly in each yard.

The streets were lighted with short gas light poles, which were lighted each evening