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sell the land to [[strikethrough]] poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] because he was a Negro.  His white half-brother bought the 2 lots for him and [[strikethrough]] poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] had his house built.  That is where we [[strikethrough]] stayed [[/strikethrough]] ^[[lived]] until we moved [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] ^[[from]] Columbus, Georgia ^[[, July 29, 1907.]]

It was a Queen Anne house with a front porch and a turret.  It was one-story high^[[,]] on [[strikethrough]] one side and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[the front of]] and ^[[house was]] open porch [[strikethrough]] on the other [[/strikethrough]].  There were three gables:  one in the center, one above the turret and one at the other end of the porch.  There is at least one chimney.  The house is hipped-roof.  There is gingerbread trim on the porch [[strikethrough]] and it looks like [[/strikethrough]] there are a ballasters on the ^[[front]] porch too ^[[also the windows on the porch are from the ceiling to the floor on the porch post on each side of the front gate]].  The house is built on brick pillars.  The siding is shingles.  It had a picket fence in front.  Elm trees are on each side of the posts ^[[at the gate]].  We were all born in [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] ^[[this beautiful]] house. 

There were three rooms on each side, across the back ^[[of the house]] was ^[[was latticed in]] a porch [[stikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]].  There was a big center hall.  On each side, the rooms opened out onto the hall.  On the right of the center hall was a large bedroom.  Next to that was the dining room, then the kitchen, and then the pantry.  On the left was the parlor, [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] a bedroom, another bedroom, another bedroom and a little bath.  In the parlor was a beautiful fireplace [[strikethrough]] and a mantle [[/strikethrough]] with beautiful yellow, red and green tile around it.  A mirror was over the top of ^[[the mantle]] it.  The floors were plank.  All of the rooms had fireplaces.  The only time it really got cold was about January and February.  Spring came very early.  Alma said father's white half-brother ^[[Woodsey]] was a builder.  That's how Alma got ^[[Alma's middle]] [[strikethrough]] her [[/strikethrough]] name Woodsy.  ^[[Woodsey is for Father's half-brother]] [[strikethrough]] His name was Woodsy. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Woodsey Markham]]