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In the back, on one side, there was a gate that led into the yard. On the other side was a yard with pear trees, apple trees and peach trees. Under one side of the house, I had my little playhouse, with my sister Fannie. Alma and [[strikethrough]] Catherine were kind of large [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Kathryn had out grown the playhouse]]. In the  back of [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] ^[[this yard]] was a fence [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] ^[[which]] separate^[[d]] the backyard from what was our garden. [[strikethrough]] Over on this side [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Also there was a fence separating the back yard from ]] of the [[strikethrough]] house was [[/strikethrough]] a lot where [[strikethrough]] poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] had his stable. He had a horse and a carriage at one time. We still kept the stable there [[strikethrough]] because when [[/strikethrough]]^[[for]] grandpa [[strikethrough]] would come up from the country he would bring his [[/strikethrough]] ^[[to put his]] horse [[strikethrough]] around and put [[/strikethrough]] it in the stable ^[[when visiting us.]]. The house ran from one street back to the next. That is the reason we had all the land in the back. 

Over on this side of the backyard, was a pit [[strikethrough]] poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] had built for bar-b-quing. A little picket fence divided the backyard from the garden. There was a little [[strikethrough]] grapeyard that [[/strikethrough]] ^[[grape arbor which]] you passed through to go into the garden.  [[strikethrough]] And that [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Under the]] grape[[strikethrough]]yard[[/strikethrough]]^[[arbor was]] [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] a [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] seat where we use to ^[[sit & play]] play. On the fence of our yard, we had little bell shaped [[strikethrough]] fushia [[/strikethrough]] ^[[orange colored,]] flowers. I was told it was a wild honeysuckle. [[strikethrough]] We had [[/strikethrough]] a fig tree 
in the garden near the fence that led into the garden from the back porch. I remember playing in the fig tree. The june bugs would eat our figs. [[strikethrough]] Poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] would get up early in the morning and pick the figs while the dew was still on them. A purple fig tree was in the back of the garden. [[strikethrough]] Poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] would have the garden planted in the spring with vegetables. The garden would be planted by [[strikethrough]] workers and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[a man who kept the garden and yards clean]] mother had helpers ^[[to help with the cleaning of the house]]