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After I was born, mother's health wasn't too good. I had a nurse until I went to kindergarten. We always had somebody to clean the house and look after the yard. [[strikethrough]] Momma [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mamma]] did not want a cook, she did that herself. If [[strikethrough]] momma [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mamma]] didn't cook and ^[[if]] the "help" did the cooking, we would look at [[strikethrough]] momma [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mamma]] ^at the dinner table,]]. If she didn't eat [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] ^[[the food prepared by the cook,]], we wouldn't eat it either. Mother was a very good cook, she was good in everything she did. On Sundays, she would make "lightbread" (rolls, homemade bread). We would  get the yeast cake from a lady [[strikethrough]] down [[/strikethrough]] ^[[who lived]] on 18th Street. They were round dry yeast ^[[cakes]]. Not like [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] ^[[the]] yeast we get now in those little packages. [[strikethrough]] This lady would make this ^[[the]]  yeast. We would go down [[/strikethrough]] on Saturday afternoon [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[we would]] get these yeast cakes. Mother would make the light rolls for Sunday and the week. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Her]] bread was [[strikethrough]] very good [[/strikethrough]] ^[[excellent]]. 

On Sunday mornings, we had snapper tongue ^[[,]] [[strikethrough]] fish [[/strikethrough]]. All of our fish came from Apalachicola, Florida because we were inland. [[strikethrough]] Momma would fry part of [[/strikethrough]] ^[[The snapper tongue was]] the throat of the fish^[[,]] [[strikethrough]] and bake grits. We [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Our breakfasts would vary.]] would have ham, grits, eggs, for breakfast in the mornings. We would all have breakfast and dinner together. We all had our ^[[own]] napkin rings with our napkins in them. At that time, they didn't have paper napkins,  we used [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] cloth napkins.

At Christmas time, we had holly trees that grandfather would cut from his plantation. They had beautiful berries on them. Aunt [[strikethrough]] Lizzy [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Lizzie]] would decorate [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] ^[[the tree]] with the garland made from rings of paper, tinsel, etc. All of our presents would be under the tree. Aunt Mamie would come up and stay with us sometimes.