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Mcduff[[strikethrough]]y[[/strikethrough]]^[[ie]]. Joe did not know how to do his financing. We lost all of our money in this house. ^[[House sold at auction and ]] Mr. Christmas, a real estate agent, bought the house [[strikethrough]] for momma [[/strikethrough]] ^[[back for M Mamma]] and [[strikethrough]] poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]]. [[strikethrough]] Poppa always [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] believed in letting the deed^[[s]] be in my mother's name. Mr. Christmas got everything straight for [[strikethrough]] momma [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mama]]and [[strikethrough]] poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]]. [[strikethrough]] Momma [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mama]] sewed beautifully and she with her needle and thread, ^[[to help Poppa [[strikethrough]] bu [[/strikethrough]] raise the children]] [[strikethrough]] and Joe McDuffy with his, "Oh come on, we got a job for you." [[strikethrough]] 

Poppa didn't come [[strikethrough]] with us [[/strikethrough]] to Washington until Christmas. When [[strikethrough]] poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] came up here, there was no job for him, so he had to do the best that he could. We [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] ^[[made]] very good friends. They almost took us over. [[strikethrough]] Miss [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mrs]] Johnson, the lady next door looked after us. We always called her Miss Dickey Johnson. I don't know what her real name was, she looked after us. Mr. Bethel and his wife lived across the street. Mr. Bethel had a barber shop in the 1400 block of 14th Street which was ^[[for]] white only. It was right on the corner of the alley, between Church and P Streets. As you know there was a difference in cutting hair in that day and time. It was through Mr. and Miss Bethel that [[strikethrough]] poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] got a job as Sexton at the ^[[Trinity]] Episcopal church at 3rd and C Streets. I think it was called Trinity. [[strikethrough]] Poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] stayed there until he found [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] ^[[another]] Sexton job that payed more then the ^[[Trinity]] Episcopal church was paying. [[strikethrough]] He got [[/strikethrough]] the sexton job ^[[was]] at the First Congregational Church at 10th and G Streets. [[strikethrough]] Poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] was not treated like an ordinary Negro. Because of his bearing [[strikethrough]] and all, you [[/strikethrough]] ^[[to one]] had to respect him. They all loved [[strikethrough]]poppa down there [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa at the Congregational Church]] and