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I enjoyed my teaching career at Shaw Junior. I was there for thirty [[strikethrough]] eight [[/strikethrough]] ^[[five]] years and occupied the same classroom. [[strikethrough]] I enjoyed my teaching career at [[/strikethrough]] Despite the age and the inadequate facilities of Shaw my students [[strikethrough]] students [[/strikethrough]] enjoyed a variety of activies and they learned to make marionettes and gave performances at Shaw and Howard University art gallery. ArmstronggHigh School for the Children;s Theatre and throughout the city. In addition they painted, sculpture, blockprinting and [[strikethrough]] cem [[/strikethrough]] ceramics and won many conpetions and work was selected for outstanding exhibitions.

In my opinion, Black art is a misnomer. There are black artists and they are like all other draw from there experiences to produce artistic expessions. If this expressions is non representational it is difficult or not impossible to tell whether the artist is white or non white. There can be no doubt how ever of the impact traditional Africian art has had on the world of modern art. Africian art is profound in that it was creative and not imtative both black and white artists have made the conditions of black people the subject of there paintings.

I live at the same address [[strikethrough]] since 1907 [[/strikethrough]] since coming to Washington. With my sister Miss J. Maurice Thomas who has retired from Howard University. Who was head of the Catology Department. Active in many civic organization. My niece and grandnephew Charles Lewis.