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[[strikethrough]] and also light [[/strikethrough]]

and also how objects are effected by light. [[lines drawn down and to the left of the paragraph]] In May 1964^[[,]] I suffered with terrific attack of arthristic and for several months I could not move around, so I would glaze at the display of light on and through the holly tree and other shrubberyessthrough my windows. When I grew better I used watercolor paint and begun [[strikethrough]] working in [[/strikethrough]] making ^[[with]] small sketches [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[on]] what I had experience^[[d]] [[strikethrough]] through [[/strikethrough]] expressing, ^[[them]] in light and color. Mr. Porter the late director of Fine Arts Department of Howard University told me in the spring of 1965 that I would be honored at Howard University through a retrospective art show of mine. This made me work harder to develope a new style of painting^[[,]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[to]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[also,]] [[strikethrough]]W[[/strikethrough]]^[[w]]hich was stripes dealing in pure color and light.
