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[[three images - black & white photos of Rochelle Hill]]

[[caption]] Just as Rochelle Hill, age 18 months, the daughter of Robert Hill, (an Air Line Representative) is the hope of "THINGS TO COME". Delegate Magazine is endeavoring to highlight the importance of the Black salesman in the business world. [[/caption]] 


DELEGATE is published by MELPAT ASSOCIATES as a good will venture on behalf of its advertisers for the benefit of the organizations highlighted and for the information of our readers.

DELEGATE is a semi-in depth presentation of biographical material and pictures of persons and organizations in the Negro community who by their actions and capabilities are contributing to the advancement of the Negro communities in cities throughout the United States and by these contributions are advancing the cultural, economic, educational, fraternal and civic as well as civil rights for Americans during these challenging sixties.  

MELPAT ASSOCIATES are grateful to the national business firms and the products they have listed for your continued patronage on some of these pages. MELPAT ASSOCIATES thanks you for your acceptance of these products and solicits your continued support.

DELEGATE proudly presents the pictures and short biographical material on the persons who adorn the ensuing pages. Their dedication to duty and service to all Americans serve as an inspiration to the youth of America - and more so to the youth of the Negro community. You say by your achievements, "yes you can—it can be done."

MELPAT ASSOCIATES, 2225 Fifth Avenue, New York 10037.

[[image - logo of Amalgamated Lithographers]]