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[[image - black & white photo of Abner Haynes, C. B. Davis, and Floyd Bean]]
[[caption]] Abner Haynes, Board Member, Dallas, Texas; C. B. Davis, Board Chairman, Houston, Texas; Floyd Bean, Convention Chairman (1971) Dallas, Texas. [[/caption]] 

[[image - black & white photo of Mrs. Inez Kaiser and Miss Vera Gunn]]
[[caption]] Betty Jean Everett Award: Mrs. Inez Kaiser, Kansas City, Mo.; Miss Vera Gunn, Philadelphia, Pa. [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photo of Edward B. Bell, Gerald Pratt, Charles J. Smith, III, Vera Gunn, Samuel Whiteman, and Paul E. X. Brown]]

[[caption]] CONVENTION PLANNING...Members of the Executive Committee discuss 1971 Convention-Workshop goals and objectives. Left to right, Edward B. Bell, Philadelphia, Pa.; Gerald Pratt, Dallas, Texas; Charles J. Smith,III, National President, Washington, D.C.; Miss Vera Gunn, Philadelphia, Pa.; Samuel Whiteman, President-elect, Atlanta, Ga and Paul E. X. Brown, Executive Director, Atlanta, Georgia. [[/caption]]