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National Medical Association, Inc. 

November 1, 1972

Dear Doctor:

First allow me to congratulate you on the successful conclusion of your formal training in medicine. Now you have embarked upon what I like to term the 'meat and potatoes' or the practical part of what you have learned so well.

In your pursuance of your medical career in specific training, let us not forget the great representation which was given to you by the Student National Medical Association. It certainly has served you well in the past and I would like to introduce you to the parent organization, the National Medical Association, and more specifically, to invite you into its membership.

The National Medical Association was founded in 1895, because we could not at that time belong to the American Medical Association. Down through the years it has always stood for those things in medicine which were courageous and straightforward, and has represented the minority views in our country. It has enjoyed the position of great leadership, not only in the scientific side of medicine, but also in the legislative side of medicine.

We welcome you to become a member of the NMA and we urge you not only to support the organization, but also to attend its meetings and its convention, because there you will find many of your associates, classmates, and will attend one of the finest scientific programs that any organization has ever put together.

Again, we invite you to become a member of our organization, as well as a member of many of the local chapters throughout the country. If you are in doubt as to whether the city that you are in has a local chapter, please so indicate an your application blank and we will be happy to forward the information to you.


Edmund C. Casey, M.D.

[[image - black & white photograph of men and women at 1972 Detroit convention]]
[[caption]] Registering at the 1972 Convention in Detroit. [/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of a man talking with a group of women]]
[[caption]] Gilbert parks, Board Chairman of the Student National Medical Association, chatting with the staff of the convention at the National Medical Association Washington Headquarters. [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of Yvonne Davis receiving special citation from Howard University's Rick Green]]
[[caption]] Student National Medical Association Executive Director Yvonne Davis, of Washington, D.C., receives a special citation from Rick Green of Howard University. [[/caption]]