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[[image - black and white oval photograph of Roy Wilkins and Simeon Golar]]

[[caption]]Roy Wilkins and Simeon Golar[[/caption]]

Testimonial Dinner to Simeon Golar

[[image - black and white photograph of Simeon Golar]]

[[image - black and white photograph of Mr. Franklin Roosevelt Jr., Simeon Golar and Attorney Grant Reynolds]]

[[caption]]Mr. Franklin Roosevelt Jr., Simeon Golar and Attorney Grant Reynolds[[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of Mayor Lindsay]]

[[caption]]Mayor Lindsay[[/caption]]

New York City Housing Authority 
NAACP Testimonial Dinner

Thank you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

It is beyond wisdom for me to undertand why I have been lucky enough to be at this place - I might say, after Forest Hills, that I have survived to be at this place - at this time, surrounded by my friends and embraced by their applause.

I am extremely moved, indeed a little awed by the grace and candor of this tribute. 
Thank you so much.

Since I stand here among friends - and this is supposed to be my party - permit me to share with you for a moment or two what is in the deepest part of my heart tonight, beyond my gratitude for so wonderful an occasion. 

Let me say something of the anxieties that mar my days beyond the burdens and, I might add, the privilege, of building and managing housing for the poor of our city - anxieties and concerns that I share with many of you who are here. 
This past week as I went about my business, I was constantly reminded,