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FREEDOM IS [[underlined]] NOT [[/underlined]] FREE!

There is a need for more low-cost housing - a great need. There is a need for new job openings for black workers, a need just as vital as all the others. There are more court battles to be fought, new battles on top of old battles to make legislation work. In every areas of life - in the courts, in unions, in commerce, in institutions, in government - the NAACP has undertaken the fight against injustice.

But it also takes money. Your NAACP Life Membership supplies a very real need in this fight against injustice.


A principal source of income for the NAACP has been its $500 Life Memberships. Funds raised from this source undergird the Fight for Freedom and help build reserves to carry that struggle forward in years to come.

While the cost of everything in America continues to rise, the cost of NAACP Life Membership remains at $500, as it was in 1927 when the first NAACP Life Membership was sold. Since then some 55,000 have joined the ranks of subscribing and fully paid Life Members of the NAACP. Still, $500 may seem to be a lot of money - and for most people it is - more than 95% of NAACP Life Members pay as little as $50 a year over a period of ten years - less than one dollar a week, or $100.00 a year for five years.

NAACP Life Members receive a continuing subscription to CRISIS, the Association's official Journal of Progress. All fully paid Life Members, individuals and organizations, receive a handsome walnut plaque with Life Member's name inscribed thereon. Their names also appear on the huge TABLET in the National Headquarters of the Association in New York. Individual Life Members receive a special Life Membership card and a gold plated lapel pin.

In addition to individuals, there are many groups that belong to the NAACP. Organizations of every sort - religious, professional, social, fraternal, community, as well as lodges, unions and sororities - all are eligible for Life Membership.

For children under thirteen, there are Junior Life Memberships at $100 each, payable also in installments over periods of two or four years. Several hundred children, sons and daughters of adult Freedom Fighters, are already enrolled.

[[image - black and white photograph of Roy Wilkins]]

[[caption ]] GIFT TO NAACP - William H. Oliver, left, presents check in amount of $20,000 [[text cut off]] Executive Director Roy Wilkins, second from right. The check is a contribution to the NAACP [[text cut off]] bution Fund and represents the [[text cut off]] Detroit NAACP Branch Gala held [[text cut off]] 63rd Annual Convention in Detroit last [[text cut off]] right: NAACP Board Chairman Bishop [[text cut off]] Spottswood, Mrs. Edie Hollis, secretary [[text cut off]] Central NAACP Branch. Mr. Oliver who [[text cut off]] National Board Member, Rev. William [[text cut off]] dent of the Detroit-Central Branch, Mr. [[text cut off]] Thomas Turner, former president of the [[text cut off]] an NAACP National Board member. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of an African-American woman and African-American man in military uniform]]

[[image - black and white photograph of Roy Wilkins with two other men]]
[[caption]] Wilkins, Gov. Milliken, Mayor Gibbs, Kaplan [[/caption]]