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1973 Youth Assembly Program
Flint, Michigan

Break the Ice...
Bridge the Understanding Gap

Wednesday, July 11, 1973
3:00 P.M | Registration Begins
3:00 P.M-5:00 P.M | Snack Time
5:00 P.M | Pre-Youth Assembly Session 
 | Get Aquanited Period 
 | "Put Your Mind Together Time" 
 | Overview of How to Attend a Youth Assembly
8:00 P.M | Early Bird Party 
 | "The Hottest Looks for 1973"

Thursday, July 12, 1973
8:00 A.M | Breakfast
9:00 A.M | Registration
10:00 A.M | Opening Session
 | Greeting-Kim Lewis, National President
 | Get Aquainted Period
 | Keynote Addresss from local groups will discuss how their organizations are "breaking the ice")
12:00 Noon | Lunch
1:00 P.M | Guided Tour of Flint, Michigans second largest city, the nations second leasing automobile producer. Tour an automobile plant, the Home of Michigan School for Deaf and Civic Center; See General Motors Institute,Flint Jr. College, College of University of Michigan, etc.
5:00 | P.M Cookout
7:30 | P.M Roller Skating Party
 | Bowling Party
 | Rap Session(Small Groups)(Representative

Friday, July 13, 1973
8:00 A.M | Breakfast
9:00 A.M | Registration
10:00 A.M | Busines Session
 | Presentations of National Youth Projects
 | Culminations of the Groups
 | Studies of Selected Major
 | Social Issues

11:30 A.M | "Hair Explosion"
 | Demonstration of latest hairstyles
12:00 Noon | Lunch

1:00 P.M | Business Session
 | Presentations with of National Youth Projects (continued)
2:30 P.M | Craftomania
 | "Let your imagination run wild Create something
3:00 P.M | Free Activities
5:30 P.M | Dinner
8:00-11:00  P.M | "Meet Your Date Time"
 | Dress: Your Own Great Looks
 | 8:00-9:30p.m Blow your Minds, Guys Kopelles will find out what their male guest think and how they feel about the social issues that plague them.
9:30-11:00 | "Select Your Dates, Girls"
 | More rapping,eating,singing, and dancing

Saturday July 14, 1973
8:00 A.M | Breakfast
9:00 A.M | Registration
10:00 A.M | Business Session
 | Reports of National Officers
 | Report of Nominating Committee
 | Election of Officers
 | Final Rap Session
 | Theme: "Break the Ice.. Bridge the Understanding Gap"
 | "Everybody is a Participant"
 | "Write it on the Line Time"
 | Evaluation of 1973 Youth Assembly
 | The Commemoration
 | The Rededication
1:30 P.M | 1973 Annual Youth Luncheon
 | Guest Artist-Damon Evans, Star in Award Winning Musical: "Don't Bother Me, I Can't Cope"
 | Music
 | Honorees
 | Winners of National Youth Project
 | Outstanding Kopelle Group of the Year
 | Miss Kopelle of 1973
 | Winners of Lively Arts Contest
5:30 P.M | Official Photograph
9:00 P.M-12:00 Midnight. | Semi Formal

 | Crowning of Miss Kopelle