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Where can a black college graduate go at Ford?

We need good people. Period. If you're good and can apply yourself, you'll get somewhere. If you're not, you won't. It's as simple as that.

We're not going to try to snow you, by pointing to a few isolated examples of Blacks who have achieved outstanding success with Ford Motor Company. Quite frankly, we can't point to any Black vice-presidents. Most of our Black graduates haven't been with the Company long enough to reach the exalted ranks of top management. But the Blacks who are here are working hard and they're making progress in line with their capabilities. Some are doing better than others.

There's opportunity to get somewhere at Ford, especially in engineering. The automobile business is faced with more tough problems than most industries face in a lifetime. Problems of automotive safety, emissions control, customer satisfaction, product quality—and government involvement in our business as never before.

Tough problems like these have created a very special working atmosphere at Ford. An atmosphere where people with ideas gain respect no matter how old they are, what sex they are, what color they are.

It means that if you've got what it takes for the challenge of the automobile business, you'll move. We can't afford to hold back people who've "got it" because they're Black. We can't afford to promote them just because they are.

If you would like to find out more about the specific career opportunities available at Ford, send your resume to Mr. Ted Campbell, Recruiting and Placement Department, Ford Motor Company, The American Road, Dearborn, Michigan 48121.

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