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Thus the new plan announced in 1971 that 5,800 room would have to be built by 1980, 3,350 of them in Abidjan, 1,600 on the Atlantic coast and 850 in the hinterland. Expenses over the decade would run to $123m., about a third of it during the first five years, the rest by 1980. Two units, the rest for road, sanitation and other infra-structure, means of transport, vocational training and promotion. With this equipment it was hoped to receive 100,000 foreign visitors (360,000 nights) in 1980, for an annual increase of 25%.

To promote this expansion, the Ivory Coast created a Ministry of Tourism, with overall supervision of local plans and operations. The Direction du Tourisme drew up legislation for protection of the national heritage, control of construction and quality of hotels, regulation of tourist agencies and investment rules. The Office National du Tourisme, with offices abroad, would promote information and arrangements for tourism in the country. More concretely, SIETHO, a State corporation, engaged in the financing and construction of facilities, on its own and in participation with national and foreign investors. The Ivory Coast Travel Agency, largely State-owned, has been encouraging charter flights and package tours. ON regional basis, ODTA on the OCAM level, and Sorentente for the Entente grouping, have been trying to harmonize tourist policies. And HOTAFRIC, a subsidiary of Air Afrique, has been supporting tourism to the countries it served. 

The Ivory Coast has been counting on three types of tourist trade. First of all, Abidjan, as the most impressive, modern city in the region is to be included in most tours to West Africa, an almost obligatory stop and place where many tours would begin or finish. It is also to serve as a base of sorts for many a businessman engaged in activities nearby. A second category of visitors will come for longer stays in the lagoon and coastal areas near the capital. And a third (including some from the first two) will go on tours of the forest and savannah areas to profit from the scenery and folklore. Thus, aside from Abidjan, five zones have been given priority.

The most promising in the near future is the eastern coast, running from Grand Lahou to the Ghana border. There are some 200 miles of beach and palms, set on the sea and often with a backdrop on the lagoons. The beaches on the western coast are even more beautiful and calmer, although relatively far from Abidjan. But the prospects for the area around Sassandra, Tabou and San Pedro are increasingly good. The center of the country, roughly the area between Abengourou, Bouake and Daloa, already interesting for the landscape, will be enhanced with the dam and vast artificial lake now complete and gradually filling up at Kossou. 

In the west, in the region around Man, another center will be promoted taking advantage of the forests and mountains, the climate and native dances. The last zone is in the n orth, between Korhogo and Bouna, rich in folklore and dotted with typical Senefou villages. Not too far off is the Comoe National Park, with a profusion of lesser game, hippos and elephants. 

Yet, no matter how attractive the beach or forest, tourists will not come until there are hotels and, sensing that investors would not begin in the interior or even along the...

[[image - black and white photograph of 3 women]]

[[image - black and white photograph of a crowd of people in a half moon shape]]

The Inter-American Travel Agents were welcomed to Senegal by the Seneglese Ambassador to the U.S.; an American State Department Official and a Seneglese business man.

[[image - black and white photograph of Mr. Fal]]
[[caption]]Mr. Fal Chairman, Air Afrique [[/caption]]