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[[image - black & white photograph of Mrs. George Taft, Mrs. Ashley O. Thomas, Mrs. Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Mrs. E. P. Stewart, and Mrs. Ralph Bledsoe]]
[[caption]] (Left to Right): Mrs. George Taft (Kansas City), Past President Mrs. Ashley O. Thomas (Washington, D.C.), Mrs. Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Board Chairlady Mrs. E. P. Stewart (Detroit, Mich.), and Past President Mrs. Ralph Bledsoe (Los Angeles, Calif.). [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of Mrs. T. Wilkins Davis, Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Mrs. Cornish, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Bledsoe]]
[[caption]] WA-NMA President Mrs. T. Wilkins Davis welcomes Mrs. Julie Nixon Eisenhower as Past Presidents Cornish, Thomas and Bledsoe beam approval. [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of members of WA-NMA; section of photo and caption cut out, revealing previous page]]
[[caption]] WA-NMA Presi [[text cut out]] d WA-NMA Financial Secretary, Mrs. Nora A. Alexander enjoy a lighter interlude with (L to R) Bill T [[text cut out]] (Philadelphia), Dr. T. Wilkins Davis (Washington), and Dr. John Rosemond, Jr., of Columbus, Ohi [[text cut out]] [[/caption]]