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Phi Beta Sigma [[image - crest]] Fraternity, Inc.

[[image - black & white photograph of Clarence Muse and Harvey Russell]]

[[caption]] Brother Clarence Muse was congratulated for his role in the film "Buck & The Preacher" by Harvey Russell of the Pepsi Cola Company. [[/caption]]

December 27-30, 1973
Shamrock Hilton Hotel — Houston, Texas


Wednesday, December 27, 1973
A. Golf and Basketball Preliminaries
B. Board Meeting
C. Entertainment of General Board 
   (aPst President McNeil)
D. Poker—Chapter Courtesy Suite

Thursday, December 28, 1973
A. Life Members' Breakfast
B. Get Acquainted Dance

Friday, December 29, 1973
A. Undergraduate Luncheon
B. Conclave Banquet
C. Blue and White Ball

Saturday, December 30, 1973
A. Distinguished Service Chapter Breakfast
B. Orchid Ball
C. Sports Finals

A. Regional Courtesy Suite
B. Chapter Courtesy Suite
C. Programmed Poker

[[image - black & white photograph of 13 men in business suits]]
[[caption]] Standing, left to right: Horace St. Julian, Get Acquainted Dance; John Westberry, General Chairman; Charles Hill, Sporting Events; Charles Edwards, Orchid Ball and Alpha Beta Sigma Chapter President; Homer Brown, Meeting Rooms, Exhibits, and Housing; Charles Blair, Souvenir Program; Dr. Alvin J. McNeil, Banquets and Luncheons and General Co-Chairman.

Seated, left to right: John Fonteno, Tours; L. W. Engram, Programs for Ladies and Children, Lone Star Regional Director, and General Co-Chairman; Frank Hawkins, Publicity and Blue and White Ball; Sammy Ford, Get Acquainted Dance; J. R. Phillips, Registration; and George F. F. Simon, Programs for Ladies and Children.[[/caption]]