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[[image - black & white photo of Melvin Patrick, John Westbury and Star of "Shaft in Africa"]]
[[caption]] Melvin Patrick, John Westbury and Star of "Shaft in Africa" [[/caption]] 

[[image - black & white photo of George Wilson registering]]
[[caption]] George Wilson Registering [[/caption]] 

3—The NNPA will urge NNPA member newspapers with professional teams in their cities to step up programs locally to end the exclusion of blacks in front office, top field management, and ownership ranks;

4—A copy of this action should be conveyed immediately to the following:
(1)..Each league commissioner
(2)..The controlling owner of each professional team

5—NNPA will request the commissioner of each league to poll through a statistical questionnaire each team owner on the status of blacks and minorities in their entire organization on and off the field.