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When they're in the National Guard.

Over 16,000 more black men and women in the National Guard shows progress. But not enough. Not enough to end the look of a white man's club in the National Guard. The Guard, therefore, is redoubling its efforts to change that look.  

Black Citizens both in and out of the Guard have been helping us. Many are actively demonstrating that membership in the Guard is a black - as well as a white - objective. Hundreds, in fact, have come off active duty with the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force to join the Guard. These men and women can be of invaluable help. To the Guard. And to the young people from the many communities they represent.

We need continued support to keep open lines of communication to young people. To explore new ones. To help us assure that equal opportunity will become an effective reality in the Guard.

And why should young blacks join the Guard? For the same reasons any young person would join. Maybe to learn a skill, or earn extra pay, or for other material benefits the Guard has to offer.

But maybe for another reason.

The Guard belongs. It belongs to an America striving to make life better for all people. 

And that's an America worth defending.

[[image - black and white photograph of three young men in uniform working to repair a vehicle]]
[[image:  National Guard logo]]

National Guard Bureau, Rm. 1E467, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20310