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FEBRUARY 2-5, 1975
Marriott Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia

Theme: "OIC--Building for the Future"

OICS/A, Inc., 100 Coulter Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19144 (215) VI 9-3010

Rev. Leon H. Sullivan, Founder and Chairman
Elton Jolly, National Executive Director

Special Guest: The Honorable Gerald Ford,
 President of the United States
Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy,
 Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Dr. Samuel Adams, Assistant Director of AID for Africa
J. Paul Austin, Chairman, Coca Cola
Terrell Bell, Commissioner of Education
Senator Lloyd Bentsen (Texas)
Frederick Collins, President, Sperry & Hutchinson
Samuel Cornelius, Deputy Director, OMBE
Congressman Marvin Esch (Michigan)
The Honorable Maynard H. Jackson, Mayor, Atlanta, Georgia
Vernon Jordan, National Executive Director, Urban League
Coretta Scott King,
 Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Social Change
Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr.,
 Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church
Robert Lilley, President, A.T.&T.
Rev. Dr. Benjamin Mays,
 President, Atlanta Board of Education
John Powell, Commissioner, EEOC
Donald Rumsfeld,
 Special Assistant to The President of the United States
Stanley Scott, Special Assistant for Minority Affairs
Caspar Weinberger, Secretary, Health, Education and Welfare
Hosea Williams
Congressman Andrew Young (Georgia)

[[image - OIC logo with text "We help ourselves"]]

[[image: photo of Gerald Ford, Andrew Young and a woman sitting at a table]]