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the oic

In January, 1964, OIC was born in a abandoned jailhouse in the heart of a Black ghetto in North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was the faith and tireless efforts of a committed few that transformed the prison of man's human despair into a life-expanding movement.
Rev. Sullivan and other community leaders had started a successful campaign to force certain companies to offer jobs to Black people. When the jobs finally appeared, they found that he couldn't find enough blacks to fill the openings. Out of this situation, OIC was born ... the most successful manpower training program in the country.
In Rev. Sullivan's own words, "We were not bound to traditional methods that could stifle creativity and hold us back. We had to build a training program to fit the needs of the man who had to be helped, and we could not read books about how to do it, because the man whose needs we wanted to meet had never been written about in any vocational books."