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[[image - black and white photograph of Maynard Jackson and Elton Jolly]] [[caption]] l-r Mayor Maynard Jackson, Atlanta, Georgia; Mr. Elton Jolly, National Executive Director, OICs of Americas, Inc. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of Carlton Goodlett, Coretta King, and Caspar Weinberger]]
[[caption]] l-r Dr. Carlton Goodlett, President, National Newspapers Publishers Association; Mrs. Coretta King; Caspar Weinberger, Secretary Health Education and Welfare. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of Calvin Pressley and Andrew Young]]
[[caption]] l-r Rev. Calvin Pressley, Executive Director, New York OIC; Congressman Andrew Young (Georgia). [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of Johnny Ford and Connie Harper]]
[[caption]] l-r Mayor Johnny Ford, Tuskegee, Alabama; Mrs. Connie Harper, Executive Director Central Alabama OIC. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of George Busbee presenting award to Leon Sullivan]]
[[caption]] l-r Governor George Busbee, Georgia; Rev. Leon H. Sullivan. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of an exhibit at the OIC Convocation]]
[[caption]] Sixty Five exhibitors representing leading national corporations participated in OIC's convocation. [[/caption]]



• ". . . Go back to your 200 communities and help the OIC programs across the nation to help build America."

• ". . .What the nation has to come up with is a workable plan, tied to training, that can pull all the unemployed who want to work in a job, and at the same time, deal with great national needs. It appears to me this is the time to work at doing something with our cities and our poverty rural areas."

• ". . .It seems this is the time to look towards rebuilding the bombed out cities of this nation that have been bombed out by poverty and segregation and neglect, and to train our unemployed and our poor to eliminate the ghettos and the slums of America."

• ". . .I believe this is the time for the President, the Congress, and America to set in motion a plan and a program to get rid of our American slums and to get rid of the deprivation, and to get rid of the blight in rural America."

• ". . .Let us return to our homes emphasizing self reliance. The only real answer to the energy. crisis in America today is self reliance. We must discipline ourselves to self reliance until there are better times."

• ". . .Go back home and tell all the people, there is a way. People will be trained, jobs will be found, ghettos will be rebuilt, rural areas will be revived, and remember, let the people know, THE MORNING COMETH!"

Twelfth Annual Convocation, Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 1976 - Sheraton Hotel,
Philadelphia, Penna. Theme: OIC, Light of Hope for America

For information and reservations, contact Mrs. Ethel Elsberry, OICs/A