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Miss Lynn Wareham is wed to Dennis Howell

Miss Lynn Elise Wareham, daughter of Dr. And Mrs. Alton L. Wareham of New York and Oak Bluffs, and Dennis A. Howell, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Howell of Brooklyn, N.Y., were wed on the lawn of the bride's parents in Oak Bluffs on Aug. 31.

The African type ceremony was performed by the Rev. Carl McCall. The bride and bridegroom, their parents and many of the guests were attired in African clothing which, with the natural setting, helped to make it a very impressive ceremony. Upon completion of the nuptials and amid the good wishes of the many guests, a sumptuous meal was served and the drinks were plentiful.

The bride, who attended the Dalton School and Boston University, works at A. B. C.-T.V. as a commercial editor. The bridegroom attended the Parkway School in Brooklyn and Gannon University. He is in a training program at Charles Pfizer Pharmaceuticals in New Jersey.

They are living in Brooklyn.

[[images - 5 black and white photographs of scenes from the wedding of Lynn Wareham and Dennis Howell]]