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[[image - large black & white photograph of National Guardsmen giving football to small boys]]

Thousands of good things happen throughout America because the National Guard belongs to the country...and the community. But just as important are the thousands of good things that happen to the young men and women who join the Guard.
  Guardsmen develop leadership. They learn a trade. They learn how to get things done. And they can put all these skills to work anywhere. Not just as Guardsmen. But as citizens in their communities.
  Guardsmen learn to work as a team to protect the ideals that make this land a very special land. The ideals of human freedom and human dignity. They learn a special skill. In engineering. In electronics. In aviation or the medical fields. More than 400 career specialties are open to them. And the training may pave the way to a good civilian job.
  It's jobs like these that people can learn in the National Guard. Because the Guard belongs. It belongs to all the people. It belongs to you.
  If you know a young man or woman who would benefit from the Guard experience, let that person know about it. Eventually, they will thank you for it.

[[image - national guard logo]]
[[caption]] The Guard Belongs. [[/caption]]
