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Old Taylor Presents:
6 Ingenious Americans.

These black men helped change the world!

  If you've been following the Ingenious American series over the last few years, you may have noticed that nearly all the persons featured were poor and came up the hard way - with definite goals in mind.
  Most of them had to leave school to support themselves and others had to work their way through school.
  Yet each, in his own way, made a lasting contribution to mankind.
  If you would like one of these busts they are available for just $5 each (that's just what they cost us.) The busts are 8" tall, made of antique bronze cast stone, and bear a complete history of the subject. All you have to do is fill out the coupon below.

[[image - black & white photograph of Matthew Henson bust]]

  Matthew Henson, who became a cabin boy at 13, met Admiral Peary by chance. Peary hired him as a personal servant on an expedition to Nicaragua and, on later expeditions, tutored him in navigation. Eventually, Henson joined Peary as an assistant on his now famous Arctic expeditions. On the final trip, when Peary lay exhausted and crippled with frostbite, it was Henson who pushed on and became the first man to locate and stand on the North Pole.

[[image - black & white photograph of Dr. Charles Drew bust]]

  Dr. Charles Drew introduced the idea of a blood bank and put the idea to work with the Bristol Blood Transfusion Association in England. In 1941, Drew was appointment Director of the first American Red Cross Blood Bank. The Bank supplied plasma to the American Forces during World War II. Today, when someone needs blood, the hospital makes a call to the local blood bank. Within minutes the proper type is there. Dr. Drew made it possible to save lives by storing blood.