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John Warren Davis
New York Hilton Hotel
Grand Ballroom
Monday, November 11, 1974

[[images - three black & white photographs of John Warren Davis]]

college presidents, an educator whose life has exemplified devotion to democracy.")  In 1953 President Truman appointed Dr. Davis Director of American technical assistance to Liberia--an assignment he filled with high honor for the next two years, earning warm praise from the President and the entire Liberian government for his skillful administration.

Dr. Davis returned from foreign service to an America undergoing rapid transition and social upheaval, following the Supreme Court's historic decision on desegregation.  Racial barriers were coming down throughout the country, but not without serious dislocation and controversy.  Thurgood Marshall, then Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund--which was engaged in continuing the fight for justice through the courts--asked Dr. Davis to become its Director of Education  Thus, in his late sixties, Dr. Davis enthusiastically embarked on yet another career in the service of others--one which, today, almost twenty years later, he continues to pursue with vigor and ability.

Born in the aftermath of the Civil War and Reconstruction, a personal inspiration during decades of his people's struggle for justice and equality, John Davis has seen his life span an era of profound social change in America.  His dedication to the advancement of thousands of young people across the country; his devotion and love for his family and all mankind, place him among the great humanitarians.   Throughout all these years, he has consistently displayed those attributes that men point to when they wish to define not only emotional maturity, but true quality in a man.

[[images - three black & white photographs of scenes from the dinner tribute]]