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[[Image - One man, three women]]
Benjamin F. Hooks, Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission was guest speaker at the Founder's Day celebration by the Metropolitan New York Chapter of the National Association of Media Women, Inc.
   Left to right: Commissioner Benjamin F. Hooks, Alice Travis, co-host of WABC-TV "A.M.- New York" and New York Chapter member, Helene Southern Slater, National Public Relations Director of NAMW and New York Chapter Public Relations Director and Sara Slack, New York Chapter member and winner of 1974 New York Chapter Media Woman of the Year award.

[[Column 1]]
National Association of Media Women, Inc.
Annual Convention
SEPTEMBER 18, 19, 20, 1975
Detroit, Michigan
Heritage House

Any woman who is professionally engage in any area of mass communications may be elected to membership. She must be sponsored by at least one member of the Association who shall submit the prospective member's name and professional qualifications for consideration.

[[Column 2]]
The Association operates through chapters organized throughout the country, and through members-at-large who reside in areas where there is no organized chapter. It shall be non-profit and non-partisan in character, nation-wide in scope. It shall exercise its obligation to be vocal on vital issues, both national and international.

The long range projection is to influence young women to enter the field of mass communication and includes scholarships, study grants and scholarship counsel and information.

Official Organ - THE MEDIA WOMAN
Annual Convention - September 18, 19, 20, 1975
Detroit, Michigan, Heritage Hotel (formerly Hilton).

Past Conventions
[[Column 1 under heading]]
1974 - New Orleans
1973 - ansas City, Mo.
1972 - Atlanta, Ga.
1971 - New York N.Y.

[[Column 2 under heading]]
1970 - Chicago, Ill.
1969 - Detroit, Mich.
1968 - Los Angeles, Cal.
1967 - New York, N.Y.
1966 - Chicago, Ill.