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[[continued from previous page]] business League Meets in Boston

[[image - historic political cartoon. Caption of the cartoon is unreadable.]]

[[image - black & white vintage portrait]]

BOOKER T. WASHINGTON Founder of the National Business League 1900



"The cause of Black business enterprise development and its growth lacks a unified constituency," NBL President Berkeley G. Burrell has said, "and this cause must become a national objective rather than merely a political slogan."

As the oldest national business organization in this country, founded in 1900 by Booker T. Washington 12 years before the inception of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce the National Business League seeks to continue its historical mission as an advocated for the cause of Black business.

The NBL, as the parent organization of most of the nation's major minority business, trade and professional association has become the primary organizational vehicle for minority business. In seeking an enlarged constituency and expanded services as key elements in its New Thrust program, NBL strives to make economic democracy a reality for Blacks and minorities. It stands as a symbol and hope for unity of the Black business constituency.

As an association it endeavors to give national exposure to the problems of its members, to provide technical assistance, to disseminate information which will constructively influence management decisions, to interface with Government and private sectors on behalf of Black business opportunities to the minority community.

The National Business League can affect the future of Black business in America - it is the agenda for tumorrow - it is the strategy through which we will realize the capability of U.S. business to achieve economic well being for all people.

[[image - black & white portrait photograph of Berkeley Burrell]]
[[caption]] BERKELEY G. BURRELL National President [[/caption]]