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[[image - black and white, head/shoulder portrait photograph of Harry S. Truman]]

HARRY S. TRUMAN, 1945-53

Seventy-ninth Congress, 1945-46
Bretton Woods Agreement Act, authorizing United States participation in International Monetary Fund and World Bank ■ Full Employment Act ■ Permanent authorization for school lunch programs ■ United Nations Participation Act ■ Authorization of British Loan Act ■ Atomic Energy Control Act ■ Legislative Reorganization Act ■ Veterans' Emergency Housing Act ■

Eightieth Congress, 1947-48
Greek-Turkish Aid Act ■ Foreign Relief Act ■ Presidential Succession Act ■ National Security Act, unifying armed forces ■ Foreign Aid Act ■ Displaced Persons Act ■

Eighty-first Congress, 1949-51
Foreign Economic Assistance Act, including Point Four program ■ National Science Foundation Act ■ Public Health Service Act, including Hill-Burton medical facilities construction program ■ Sweeping expansion of social security ■ National Housing Act ■ Fair Labor Standards Amendments, including minimum wage increase and extension of coverage ■

Eighty-second Congress, 1951-52
Defense Housing Act ■ Peace treaty with Japan ■ Mine Safety Act ■ Amendment to Taft-Hartley Act, validating union shops ■ 

Social Security amendments for survivors and aged ■ Housing Act ■ Free polio vaccine program ■ International Finance Corporation participation ■ Increased minimum wage ■

National Defense Education Act ■ Civil Rights Act ■ Creation of National Aeronautics and Space Administration ■