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[[image - black and white photograph of President Lyndon Johnson seated at desk, surrounded by members of the new Presidential commission to investigate city riots]]

RIOT PANEL: Members of the new Presidential commission to investigate city riots assembled last week at the White House. From left, seated: Roy Wilkins, N.A.A.C.P. director; Illinois Gov. Otto Kerner, commission chairman; President Johnson; New York Mayor John Lindsay, commission vice-chairman; I. W. Abel, United Steelworkers president. Standing: Charles Thornton, president of LItton Industries; Rep. James Corman of California; Rep. William McCulloch of Ohio; Sen. Fred Harris of Oklahoma; Vice President Humphrey; Kentucky Commerce Commissioner Katherine Peden; Atlanta Police Chief Herbert Jenkins; Senator Edward Brooke of Massachusetts; Cyrus Vance, the President's special agent in Detroit during recent riots; Attorney General Ramsey Clark.

Ninetieth Congress, 1967-68

Education Act • Air pollution control • Social security increases • Outer space treaty • Public television broadcasting • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty • Gun controls • Truth in lending • Fair Housing Act • Safe streets • Health Manpower Act • Vocational education assistance • Scenic rivers • Scenic trails•