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[[image - black and white photograph of Dr. Sullivan]]
[[caption]] [[text cut off]] to Dr. Sullivan. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of Dr. Raymond H. Carter]]
[[caption]] Dr. Raymond H. Carter, '03, oldest living alumnus, listens intently to MEP press conference proceedings. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of three men]]
[[caption]] [[text cut off]] Morehouse Trustee Dr. Edward Mazique, Dr. Sullivan, and Dr. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of Dr. Todd speaking to Morehouse students on campus]]
[[caption]] Dr. Todd talks to Morehouse students about opportunities in the medical profession. [[/caption]]

than fitting and appropriate that this great institution establish a Medical Education Program that will help increase the number of physicians in the State of Georgia.

Vital statistics show that the ratio in Georgia is one physician to every 926 people and one black physician to every 9,652 black Georgians. Morehouse College's contribution to physician manpower in Georgia and the nation has been considerable, and for this reason I am convinced that Morehouse College will develop an outstanding Medical Education Program.

Dr. Malcolm Todd, President, American Medical Association

As an official act, I extend greetings to Morehouse College from the American Medical Association and our heartiest congratulations to the new Dean, Dr. Louis Sullivan.

With the leadership of your President, and now with your Dean, this school can move forward to fulfill a very vital need of service in the area of manpower production. We of the American Medical Association take this opportunity to assure you that we will give all the support that we possibly can to making this one of the finest institutions in the country.

[[box]] The Medical Education Program urgently needs the names and addresses of all Morehouse alumni who are physicians as well as those who are presently attending medical school. If you have any information about such alumni, please contact:

Mrs. Judith Book
Research Associate
Medical Education Program
Box 118
Morehouse College
Atlanta, Georgia 30314 [[/box]]