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National Caucus of Black School Board Members

[[image — black & white photograph of a woman wearing lace dress, corsage and thick black glasses standing to the left of a man wearing a pinstripe suit and name tag.]]

(Excerpt from the resolutions adopted by the Delegate Assembly of the National School Boards Association in San Francisco, California in 1972.)

The delegates at the San Francisco meeting awarded Chairman Lucas the authority to proceed with plans to reorganize and redirect the Department of Human Resources and Minority Affairs. By this action, this department has now been changed to the Office of Urban and Minority Affairs of the National School Boards Association, and is directed by a “together brother,” Dr. Jeremiah Floyd of Evanston, Illinois.

The Black Caucus was most active and involved in his selection for this position.

The National Caucus of Black School Board Members convened for the 8th time at the Regency Hyatt Hotel in Houston, Texas in April of 1974.

The sessions were highlighted by the participation of Dr. Charles Townsel, Superintendent of Schools in Sacramento, California and President of the National Alliance of Black School Educators. It marked the first efforts of professional Black educators and black lay school board members to combine their talents, resources, and strength in advancing the cause of Black youngsters in public school systems throughout the country.

The Caucus was again successful in stopping several resolutions that did not represent the best interests of Black children, from being adopted by the Delegate Assembly of the National School Boards Association.

Awards and Certificates of Appreciation were presented to several present and past members of the Caucus who have made outstanding contributions to our cause over the years.

Officers elected to serve the following year were: L.A. Lucas, Dayton, Ohio, President; Barbara Lett Simmons, Washington, D.C., Vice President; Hermenia Garrett, Wilmington, Delaware, Secretary; and Jo Brown, Wichita, Kansas, Treasurer.

Elected as Regional Vice Presidents were: Lois N. Stovall, Spring Valley, N.Y., Northeast Region; Hurley Goodall, Muncie, Indiana, Central Region; Alton J. Chasson, Lafayette, Louisiana, Southern Region; Ruth P. Thomas, Omaha, Nebraska, Western Region; and WIlliam J. Washington, Perris, California, Pacific Region. 

There are five Regions throughout the country. Meetings are called periodically during the year by the Regional Vice-Presidents. The meetings are designed to develop policies, strategies and prepare resolutions to be considered by the National Black Caucus at each National School BOards Association Convention. These meetings offer an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, share concerns and seek solutions in concert with other Black School Boards Members who are dealing with similar problems.