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CONGRESSWOMAN BARBARA JORDAN, 18th DISTRICT, TEXAS - As a former Texas Senator, Congresswoman Barbara Jordan brings six years of lawmaking experience with her to Congress. A graduate of Boston University School of Law, in 1959, Congresswoman Jordan served as an administrative assistant to the County Judge of Harris County in her home state. When she was elected to the state senate, she became the first Black to serve on that body since 1883.

CONGRESSMAN ROBERT N. C. NIX, 2nd DISTRICT, PENNSYLVANIA - In a special election on May 20, 1958, a Philadelphia Democratic Ward leader was elected to fill a vacancy caused by a resignation from Congress. Since then, Representative Robert N. C. Nix, a practicing attorney since 1925, has  been re-elected to serve for seven more terms.

CONGRESSMAN ANDREW YOUNG, 5th DISTRICT, GEORGIA - A veteran civil rights activist and trusted aide of the late Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Congressman Andrew Young became the first black representative to be elected from Georgia in over 100 years. Most recently holding the chairmanship of the Atlanta community Relations Commission, the Atlanta minister was elected to his post in 1972 after an unsuccessful bid for a Congressional seat in 1970.

CONGRESSMAN CHARLES C. DIGGS, 13th DISTRICT, MICHIGAN - The inspiration to organize the efforts of Black Congressmen came from Charles C. Diggs, a veteran lawmaker now serving his tenth term as representative from the 13th district in Michigan. A Detroit native like his colleague John Conyers Jr., Diggs was elected Michigan's fisr Black Congressman.

CONGRESSMAN LOUIS STOKES, 21st DISTRICT, OHIO - Politics is a way of life for at least one Stokes family in Cleveland. Congressman Louis Stokes, Democratic Representative of the 21st District in Ohio recently assumed the leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus. His brother Carl, recently retired from active politics.

[[image - black and white photograph of Joe Louis]]

[[image - black and white photograph of speakers]]

[[image - black and white photograph of dinner attendees]]
[[caption]] Pictures were taken at the Fifth Annual Congressional Black Caucus Dinner honoring the late Paul Robeson, Joe Louis and Lt. Governor Mervyn M. Dymally,[[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of man and woman on stage]]

[[image - black and white photograph of people on stage]]

[[image - black and white photograph of Shirley Chisholm and a man]]

[[image - black and white photograph of George L. Brown]]
[[caption]] Lt. Governor George L. Brown [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of man wearing hat and glasses]]

[[image - black and white photograph of man smiling]]