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[[images - five black and white photographs of events at the meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus]]

c. Health coverage must be comprehensive and include a full range of health care, preventive, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation regardless of one's ability to pay.

d. There must be progressive trust fund financing so that health care is insured of continuation as a permanent program.

e. Consumers, that is, the community residents, must be permitted and encouraged to participate in health care program operations.

f. The health care program must be reinforced with adequate financing for research, planning and administration.

4. Africa policy--
Two key steps for a more positive African policy are: (1) for the administration to stop supporting minority rule in Southern Africa and (2) to take concrete steps to implement the final resolution at the Seventh United Nations Special Session providing for a new International Economic Order, specifically those relating to assuring just and stable prices for primary commodities. In addition, the U.S. should make a significant contribution to the African Development Fund.

Finally, the Congress must reverse itself and pass the legislation to prohibit importation of Rhodesian Chrome in violation of United Nations sanctions. These are initial, but necessary steps in turning around the policy and the image of the United States with respect to Africa and to other developing nations.

5. Education—
"Equal educational opportunity has increased significantly for blacks in this country over the past several years. Yet, while many gains have been made, much remains to be done. The black school child continues to be the victim of misguided efforts to retreat from the goal of school desegregation. The largest number of blacks are affected by policies in the elementary and secondary education, but the increasing numbers of black college students face a parellel struggle, the struggle to find the financial assistance essential to higher education opportunity."

6. Tax reform—The efforts of the House to bring about substantial tax reform were stymied by heavy lobbying of those who benefit most from the current inequitable tax laws. Special interests have been able to write into the law additional benefits aimed at protecting their wealth.

7. Economic development and aid to minority businesses— Presently, many minority businesses are being liquidated because of the inability to repay federal loans. We recommend a one-year mortorium on federal loan repayments. There should be a significant increase in set-asides and subsidies to minority businessmen.

A system of tax concessions for financial institutions and other investors should be developed immediately. Such loans and investments should be made available for business development and mortgage financing in black and other poverty communities.

There are several federal programs that have begun to work effectively in minority communities to aid in the economic and business development of rural and urban low-income communities. Minority Enterprise Small Business Investment Corporations (MESBICs) and Community Development Corporations (CDCs) have been primary mechanisms for providing an economic base for these areas. A commitment must be given to these enterprises in order that they may play a greater role in resolving the dual problems of inflation and unemployment.

 They came from all over the