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[[image – black & white photograph of a man wearing short sleeve shirt with tie with a group of people in traditional African dress]]
[[caption]] Alex Haley with griot (center) & Gambian cousins in Juffure, his ancestral village]]

[[image - black & white photograph of a man wearing long-sleeved, collared shirt and pants standing partially behind younger man in cloth fashioned like a pair of shorts]]

at [[obscured by fold]] Roots
ns to Me
Alex Haley
published the first condensation of Alex 
[[cut off page]] '74 issue [[obscured by fold]] said that it was an epic work,
[[cut off page]] American literature." That has proved to be
[[cut off page]] one million [[obscured by fold]] greatest best-sellers of all time.
[[cut off page]] ace among historic: the eight-part, 12-hour
[[cut off page]] also been [[obscured by fold]] tion drew 130 million viewers,
[[cut off page]] any dram [[obscured by fold]] Americans watching, became the 
[[cut off page]] 80 million [[obscured by fold]] most every free nation is bidding
[[cut off page]] Worldwide [[obscured by fold]], the African village which
[[cut off page]] book. Ju [[obscured by fold]] has been declared a national
[[cut off page]] e was b [[obscured by fold]] mbia. As a bonus to its readers,
[[cut off page]] book have [[obscured]]
[[cut off page]] exclusive [[obscured by fold]] of Mr. Haley [[osbscured]]
[[cut off page]] e of this phenomenon.

[[cut off page]] explain [[obscured by fold]] heritage - to know who we are and
[[cut off page]] pinpoint [[obscured by fold]] where we have come from. Without
[[cut off page]] k has [[obscured by fold]] s enriching knowledge, there is a 
[[cut off page]] really [[obscured by fold]] llow yearning. No matter what
[[cut off page]] ere is a [[obscured by fold]] attainments in life, there is
[[cut off page]] ow our [[obscured by fold]] ll a vacuum, an emptiness, and

[[image - sketch drawing of a tall tree with broad root span]]

WHAT [[underlined]]ROOTS[[/underlined]] MEANS TO ME
[[obscured]] ed. He started [[obscured]] ng what it had [[obscured]] their soil. He [[obscured]] that he had to [[osbcured]] e cab.

[[obscured]] of my mail is [[obscured]] ve yet to receive [[obscured]] he pattern os for [[obscured]] that (1) they are [[obscured]] caused them to [[obscured]] never understood [[obscured]] ion; (3) the book [[obscured]] thinking about their

[[obscured]] en a joy to see this positive [[obscured]] n by whites with what [[obscured]] ing. In Los Angeles, a [[obscured]] ine overheard young [[obscured]] n arguing over who [[obscured]] play the part of Chicken, [[obscured]] ondants, [[obscured]]

Roots were a negative [[obscured]] what had been. Instead. it is a positive avenue into a new perception of other, an understanding of a proud African, of a proud people, and the sensitive culture in which they lived. "You have given me," one California woman wrote, "a new awareness of your heritage. The people of Africa came alive and with them their beauty, pride, tradition, and strength. Kunta Kinte is now part of me. I will carry him, his family and his country with me and, hopefully, this new awareness will make me a better human being."

Numerous letters from whites say something like, "Thank you that I did not feel hostility. I did not feel you were accusing me, indicting me. I felt you wre simply trying to tell me what happened."

This book took me 12 years to write. I relate that to something that my grandma used to say: The Lord may not come when you want Him to, but He will always be on time. The book has come at a time of convergence of social assuagements and a healing political climate. People are starting to find one another, and this is where, for me, the meani [[obscured]] Roots lies.

In the country, we [[obscured]] people who live [[obscured]] and tend to stay [[obscured]] doing no more [[obscured]] then ducking [[obscured]] all come ou [[obscured]] living room, [[obscured]] ther,
being proud [[obscured]] but coming [[obscured]] strength. Tha [[obscured]] for America.

In my long a [[obscured]] to complete Roots [[obscured]] debt to The Rea [[obscured]] out its help an [[obscured]] Roots could not [[obscured]] with the scope that [[obscured]] zine's support ena [[obscured]] repeated trips to Eu [[obscured]]

Without it, I could not [[obscured]] the traveling and [[obscured]]could not have

Som [[obscured]]

Best Sellers
1-Trinty, Uris (2 last week)
2-Sleeping Murder, Christie (1 [[cut off page]]
3-Storm Warning, Higgins (3)
4-Blue Skies, No Candy, Greene (5)
5-Slapstick, Vonnegut (7)
6-Raise the Titanic!, Cluster (6)
7-The Crash of '79, Erdman
8-Dolores, Susann (10)
9-Touch Not the Cat, Stewart (4)
10-The Users, Haber, (8)

1-Roots, Haley (1)
2-Your Erroneous Zones, Dyer (3)
[[obscured]] Sheehy (2)
[[obscured]] Dean (4)
[[obscured]] ys Greener
[[obscured]] (7)

7, 1976