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Give our country a college education.

 As an Army ROTC graduate, you bring more than training and gold bars to your new job in the Army.

[[image - black & white photograph of African-American male Army ROTC graduate in uniform holding diploma]]

You also bring a college education which makes you one of our country's most valuable assets. Why? One reason is the wealth of experiences and ideas you bring with you. This enables the Army to better relate to an ever-changing society.

And since you'll be an Army officer, you'll have plenty of opportunities to put your ideas to work. In fact, you'll be running your own show, right out of college.

Another reason we value your education so highly is that the people you'll be leading are better educated and more highly motivated than ever before. This makes you job as an Army officer more of a challenge.

To help you meet this challenge when you get out of school, we'll help you while you're in by giving you a living allowance of up to $1,000 each school year for your last two years of college.

There are also opportunities for scholarships that cover tuition, books and lab fees. 

That way, you can make the most of your education. And when you graduate, our country can make the most of it too.

Army ROTC, P.O. Box 12703
Phila., PA 19134

Send me all the facts about Army ROTC.

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City            County            State

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High School Attending

Graduation Date

College Planning to Attend     DEL 7-03
