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educational, social or environmental. Rather it is a combination of each; or psychosocial, requiring a flexible response rather than a traditional orthodox psychiatric treatment.

Over the years, a strong professional staff has been recruited enabling the Center to provide treatment of much higher quality and greater depth to the children and families. Today Northside has a professional staff of fifty-six.

During its first year of service Northside served fifty children. In 1976, over 1,200 troubled youngsters and their families, primarily of black and Hispanic background, were served. The children are from three to sixteen years of age; the average age being ten. Most are referred by their schools, parents, other agencies; some are referred by the courts. Teachers report that they are not behaving and are not learning. They are often hyperactive and aggressive or may be withdrawn and uncommunicative. Like most other children in this community, they are apt to be two or three years behind in reading, some as much as four or five years.

About 75% of the children treated today show definite improvement during an average term of treatment of one year at Northside Center.

In November 1973, Northside Center established a Day School as a component of its umbrella of services to children. Fifteen children, too disturbed to be contained in the public schools were enrolled in five classes conducted by teachers trained in special education. A move to larger, more spacious facilities at Schomburg Plaza enabled expansion of the Day School to thirty-six children. Already some "graduates" have returned to regular school classes with the emotional and educational strength necessary to master their situations.

In 1976, exactly 30 years since its founding, Northside Center still is one of very few agencies in Harlem serving the mental health needs of its residents. Each year the Center strives to increase and expand its services because the need is so great. During its 30 years Northside Center has developed wide contacts in the Harlem community and has earned community respect and support. One indication of this new position in the community is the fact that this 30th Anniversary celebration is being sponsored by a coalition of community groups in addition to the Center's Board of Directors.

[[images - 5 black & white photographs of scenes from Northside Center dinner]]