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[[caption]]No. 6 of a series created by noted black artists especially for the brewers of Budweiser. For reprints writee: Great Kings No. 6-b Anheuser-Busch, inc., St. Louis, Mo 63118[[/caption]]

Hannibal-Ruler of Carthage (247-183 B.C.)

Regarded as one of the greatest generals of all time, Hannibal and his overpowering African armies conquered major portions of Spain and Italy and came close to defeating the mighty Roman Empire.

Born in the North African country of Carthage, Hannibal became general of the army at age twenty-five. His audacious moves- such as marching his army with African war elephants through the treachorous Alps to surprise and conquer Northern Italy - and his tactical genius, as illustrated by the Battle of Cannae where his seemingly trapped army cleverly surrounded and destroyed a much larger Roman force, won him recognition which has spanned more than 2000 years. His tactics have been studied and successfully imitated by Generals as recently as World War II.

The genius of Hannibal extended beyond the battlefield, however. After the Punic Wars, his leadership and administrative abilities brought Carthage great prosperity and prestige.

[[caption]]This chapter of history presented by the King of Beers[[/caption]]

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Transcription Notes:
second image is a Budweiser label