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[[caption]] Dr. Robert Threatt President [[/caption]]

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We are pleased to greet you in this edition of the College Bulletin. At this point during the 1977-78 academic school year, there are many things that we would like to share with you.

Our enrollment of 1532 represents the largest number of students ever to attend the institution. We have honored 469 students for having achieved high academic performance of a "B" average or better. There has been an implementation of a plan for reorganization of dormitory life so as to more adequately accommodate those students who desire residence on campus.

The faculty has been strengthened by the addition of several new doctorates who constitute about 43 percent of the teaching personnel. Some teachers are on leave engaged in doctoral and post-doctoral studies. To improve the teaching-learning environment, faculty members provide outlines for every course taught to every student and make themselves available for conferences and counseling...

Several hundred new publications have been added to the collection of the Library. Monthly book reviews have been presented to the College Family and the general public. Numerous seminars on various themes have been prsented [sic] by faculty and student groups. Dr. George Sewell is continuing the writing of the authentic history of the College which was begun by the late Dr. C.V. Troup.

Substantial efforts are being made to improve dormitory and classroom buildings so as to safeguard and enhance the serviceability, comfort and beauty of these facilities. Modern garbage disposal have been placed on campus to aid in maintaining a cleaner and more attractive appearance. A new piece of property was acquired through a gift from Mr. J.W. Robinson, a member of the Board of Trustees.

Our third Annual Man of the Year In Georgia Award Dinner, which honored United States Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia, was a huge success.

The class of 1957 has established a $10,000 scholarship fund with the interest from it going to benefit a worthy student annually. Also Dr. William Adams, an honorary 
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member of the class, has established a $5,000 William L. "Little Willie" Adams Scholarship for an entering freshman student majoring in business.

The College also received funding which provided for the institutionally-based programs of Upward Bound and Special Services.

The football team, which enjoyed its second best consecutive winning season in several years, appeared on the American Broadcasting Company Television during its feat with the Bethune-Cookman College team. This was a first for any school in the Atlanta University Center and a second for an institution in the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. A unique experience for Morris Brown and predominantly black colleges in Georgia, was the 45th annual SIAC Basketball Tournament held in the John H. Lewis Gymnasium on our campus. The tallest player in intercollegiate basketball, George Bell, who is 7'7", is a student at Morris Brown College.

We have begun our self-study of the institution for reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. A two-year study of fifteen selected predominantly black schools of higher education by the Ford Foundation includes Morris Brown College. Our five year statistical and financial planning model is in process of being up-dated. A committee that consisted of College Presidents and Representatives of the Trustee Board of the Atlanta University Center has completed its evaluation study of the AUC.

The foregoing statements are indicative of the kinds of things that are taking place this year as the College endeavors to provide adequate educational opportunities for all of its students. We recognize the need for continuous improvement in order to minimize those obstacles that seek to deter and/or impede us in the pursuit to fulfill our mission. Because of positive, generous, and loyal supporters like you, we are confident that we shall overcome those obstructions and continue on and even larger scale to be a haven for all hungry souls and a maker of men and women who are prepared to live and willing to serve.
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[[caption]] FOUNTAIN HALL [[/caption]]

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