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Boggs Academy is...Keysville

Keysville, Georgia 30816
(404) 554-2182

Christian Purpose
Christian Preparation
Christian Performance

[[caption]]Yenwith K. Whitney, Ed. D. President[[caption]]

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Boggs Academy of Keysville, Georgia is unique among independent high schools in the United States.  With a predominantly Black student body it is the only regionally accredited, co-educational, residential prep school of its kind in the nation.  Since 1906 when it was founded by Dr. John L. Phelps, a Black Presbyterian minister from nearby Augusta, Boggs has provided quality education for Black youth.

A dedicated, integrated faculty, with a student-teacher ratio of less than 14-1 in grades 8 through 12, provides the kind of concern and commitment which gives Boggs its international reputation.  95% of all graduates go on to college which include Johnson C. Smith, Knoxville, Howard, Morehouse, and Dartmouth.

Although at one time students came mainly from the surrounding Burke County, today they come from 16 states and two foreign countries.  The largest percentage still comes from Georgia, but New York now ranks second.  Boggs draws its students from all levels of the population with some scholarship help and work programs available for those in need.

The mission of Boggs is to provide an alternative to the public education system where Black youth can obtain a quality education, get a good grounding in fundamental skills, and learn to think and write critically and analytically.  Boggs' mission is to provide a Black experience which does not embitter but enriches, is not narrow but opens new visions, where the student learns the respect and love of fellow humans in the context of Christian understanding and concern.  The formation of good study habits, the preparation for S.A.T. examinations and career counseling are but several of the areas where Boggs gives special attention to its students.  Those who need extra study to maintain the required C average must take supervised study.  Vocational offerings at Boggs are designed to provide practical learning experiences.  These include industrial arts, fine arts and business education.  Typing is required of all students.

The program at Boggs is not only designed to give every young person a chance to have a successful educational experience but to develop the whole person as much as possible.  The 25 acre campus has 11 modern buildings and is part of a larger parcel of over 1200 acres of land.  The Boggs lake is a beautiful recreation area which is ideal for fishing, boating, picnicking and camping.  Physical education and athletics develop the body, and students have an opportunity to participate in basketball, volleyball, swimming, tennis, track, soccer and other sports.  Choral music has long been a tradition at Boggs.  The choir has traveled extensively across the country and has made several recordings.  The Drama Club is one of the most popular groups and has not only traveled but has presented one of its productiions [sic] on local television.

Boggs also ministers to the needs of its surrounding community.  In 1968 Boggs Academy and the John I. Blackburn Presbyterian Church near the campus joined together to form the Boggs and Blackburn (B & B) Kindergarten and Day Care Center.  This pre-school program serves the needs of youngsters and also helps other family members hold jobs or go to school.

Although Boggs is a completely independent school incorporated in the state of Georiga, it maintains close ties with its founding organization, The United Presbyterian Church.  Speakers from the staff are available to tell the first hand story of Boggs, and information can be obtained by writing or calling Boggs at Keyville, Georgia 30816 (404) 554-2181.

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