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"Here's where some Ford-built cars get to go through some of the toughest tests they got to go through."
Right here is where some Ford, Mercury and Lincoln cars face some of the toughest conditions a car will ever have to face...anywhere in the world
[[caption]] "This fan is bigger than my old neighborhood." [[/caption]]
Tough Test #1.
Push a button and a giant fan starts blowing winds up to a hundred and forty miles an hour. Now when we add water to the wind, we got us a hurricane! It's a tough test for water leaks: around the doors... around the windows... around the trunk... around the hood.
[[image-a man in a Ford car that is being soaked in rain.]]
[[caption]] "How come I feel it's gonna last 40 days and 40 nights?" [[/caption]]
[[image-a man standing next to a frozen Ford car]]
[[caption]] "Chatter—chatter—chatter—chatter." [[/caption]]
Tough Test #2.
Push a Cold Button and the temperature drops to zero degrees. In just a short time you and the test car are sitting at the North Pole freezing your fenders off. This is how we test the operation of starter motors, heaters, defoggers, defrosters, engines, and fuel systems.
[[caption]] "That breeze is a real hang-up." [[/caption]]
[[caption]] "What'll it be: Heat Wave... or Stormy Weather?" [[/caption]]
[[caption]] "I'm not saying Test #3 is hot... but you put an egg on the roof and it's gonna fry." [[/caption]]
Tough Test #3.
Push a Hot Button and 240 overhead heat lamps put us right in the middle of the Sahara Desert. In this 110-degree oven, we test the engine cooling system, air-conditioning, ventilation.
Tests like these are tough on a car. But tough testing makes for tough cars... so, at Ford Motor Company, we do a lot of it.
[[image-Ford motor company logo.]]
It's simple. Ford wants to be your car company.
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